Sunday, February 10, 2013

How do i get money fast - 7 tips for Writing Articles Editors will love.

7 tips for Writing Articles Editors will love.

To me it seems important to give the editors what they want while also giving your prospected reader what they want. If they don’t like the article, or if it breaks the “Terms and Conditions” set by the directory, they won’t publish your article and all your effort will have been for nothing.

7 tips for Writing Articles Editors will love:

1. Make sure your article is informative… Not a sales pitch!
2. Make sure your titles and body content are keyword-rich
3. Format your article to 60 characters in width
4. Submit good, “original content” articles (500-700 words long)
5. Don’t include “By: Author Name” in the title (save for Resource Box)
6. Use a text editor to remove your word processor’s formatting
7. Let your text wrap naturally. Only use the [Enter] key after completing a paragraph. Leave an empty line between paragraphs.

Note: 500-700 word articles are best, articles between 400-1500 words will be accepted by most directories.

Thanks for checking out, How do i get money fast? - 7 tips for Writing Articles Editors will love.